Freelance Writer Pitch Success Rate Tracker (Google Sheets)


This Google Sheets template gives you in-depth analysis on your pitch history:

What’s working, what’s not, and where you should focus your efforts moving forward.

On the first tab, you’ll input data such as: client name, project type, job source, industry/category, project details, proposed rate, and more. From there you can track the proposal status and whether or not it’s been accepted.

On the second tab, you’ll see data visualizations of your overall success rates, as well as broken down by proposed rate, job source, and job type.

This information reveals your best sources for finding your ideal clients, when you’re charing too much (indicated by low success rates) or too high (indicated by high success rates).

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Upon purchase, you’ll receive a PDF instruction sheet with easy steps to access your Google Sheet, which can be saved onto your own Google Drive.

Due to the digital nature of this product, returns are not accepted. Thank you!

Monthly Project + Income Tracker (Google Sheets)