My 2023 Word(s) of the Year: Freelance Writer Edition

Happy New Year, freelance friends! I hope everyone enjoyed a great holiday season. I'm tiptoeing my way back into work and healthy living after kind of a fun and long holiday season with a little bit of work peppered in wrapping up end of year projects for some clients. I thought I'd pop in and share three words of the year. I usually just do one, but I didn't want everything to be work-related this year. Instead, I want to focus on my entire quality of life and I needed a few words to make that happen.



So my first one is focus. No matter what I'm doing, whether it's related to freelance writing, family, or my personal self-care, I want to be just working on one thing - not checking my phone or wondering what's happening elsewhere.

If I'm doing something, I’m giving it my full attention.


My second word of the year is consistency. When working on the goals that I have, whether it's business or personal related, I want be really good at working on it incrementally. Even if I can’t spend a lot of time on one thing, I want to work on my fun projects with regularity. Obviously, I plan to give myself grace, but it’s something I’m placing an emphasis on.


My third and final work for 2023 is joy. For me, freelancing is really about creating a lifestyle for me and my family and really enjoying the every day. So I want to focus on the good things every day, really be grateful, and embrace this life that I'm building with my husband and kids.

Happy New Year!

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